Genesis of semiprecious stones (minerals from quartz group) in volcanic rocks
K. Rudenko National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine |
K. Derevska National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine |
S. Kozhenevskiу LLC "Vodospad" |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 1 (79), 2015: 13–15 |
Abstract The horizontally elongated cavities and cracks, which sometimes widen and have zonal quartz minerals filling, were observed during recent field study in basalt quarry near the v. Polytsi (Volhyn). Amethyst occurs there. Mineralogical and geochemical study were shown that the conditions for the semi-precious stones formation and filling zheod basalts in the volcanic province Volhyn are similar to those in South America. |
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