Stones of North Pryladozhye
Prokopec V. College of Geological Survey Technologies |
Yushytsyna Ya. S. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 2 (80), 2015: 29–35 |
Abstract North Pryladozh'ya (Russia) being situated in the junction zone of Svekofen folding system and Karelia crystalline massif, in notable for vast Pre-Cambrian processes of migmatization and granitization. One its territory numerous ore deposits and occurrences have been found (copper, lead, zinc, tin, iron and others) as well as non-ore ones. Among latter the most interesting are deposits of facing stones which have given significant architecture material for decoration of worldwide famous cathedrals of St. Petersburg. On the territories of some worked-out deposits unique rock park are established. |
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