Stone inflorescence performed by Slivka Katerina
S. Trykolenko National Aviation University |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 3 (85), 2016: 29–31 |
Abstract The article analyzes the peculiarities of working with semiprecious stones in various forms for wire wrap – weaving wire. Examples jewelry masters from Krivoy Roh Slivka Katerina, which uses natural and treated stones. The features of artistic techniques, and place the stone in the overall composition of the product, proportions insertion of frames. |
References |
1. Ekaterina. техника wire wrap. [Електронний ресурс] / Ekaterina // – 2014. – Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://
2. Триколенко О. Сирени Олександра Михальянца / О. триколенко, С. триколенко. // Українська культура. – 2012. – №6. – С. 50–51 |