Regulation of the stress-strain state on the ledges of stone blocks during its production
О. Gorobchyshyn State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 1 (87), 2017: 22–25 |
Abstract In the article the way to solve the problem of plane deformation mechanics of solids using Mathcad package for evaluation zonal fracturing technology in granite quarries in the process of separation from the array. In the package Mathcad existing the program blocks are designed to solve plane problem deformuyemoho mechanics of solids, which avoid the need to address the problem by transposition of matrices and finding a root system of algebraic equations. Analysis of the results reveals around a corner ledge area of high stress concentration which represents danger zone. With the deepening of the array this concentration decreases rapidly. Of particular note is the appearance of zones of tensions that are most dangerous to granitoids. To simulate this process is proposed to combine the classic mathematical apparatus with fracture mechanics criterion for angular Neybera fracture zones on the ledge of a career that will accurately describe the formation of intense angular zones. |
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