Geological and economic estimation of gemstones’ reserves with complex exploitation of carbonate rocks deposits
G. Rudko State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Resources |
V. Ozerko State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Resources |
M. Kurylo National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 1 (95), 2019: 7–10 |
Abstract The peculiarities of geological and economic estimation of carbonate rocks deposits which consist inclusions of semi-precious stones in industrial quantities on example of marble onyxes, are analyzed. It’s determined appropriateness of statistical methods for reserves calculation, which allow estimate quantity of semi-precious stones with a very uneven distribution of enclosing rocks. It is recommended to define industrial value and to account such reserves with categories C1 and C2 and classes 112 and 122 provided positive results of the valuation. Possibilities of commercial development of marble onyx within Volynо-Podillya as accompanying or co-subordinated minerals are analyzed. |
Keywords: reserves calculation, concomitant minerals, carbonate rocks, gemstones. |
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