Gemstones, precious stones: historical and normative aspects of terminology that influence on the formation of the State Fund for Precious Metals and Precious Stones of Ukraine
V. Tatarintsev State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
L. Vyshnevska State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 1 (95), 2019: 15–18 |
Abstract The article contains the general questions of the application of the normatively defined terms «дорогоцінне каміння», «коштовне каміння» in Ukraine, historical aspects of the origin of these terms and their interrelation with the related English terms «gemstones» and «precious stones». This is important for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU law in the field of circulation of specified stones. |
Keywords: дорогоцінне каміння, коштовне каміння. gemstones, precious stones, normative document. |
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