Yu.Gayevsky State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
О. Belichenkо State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No. 3 (97), 2019: 4–6 |
Abstract The results of complex gemological studies of synthetic emerald synthesized by the flux method are presented. Gemological features were determined as well as microscopic study of internal inclusions was carried out. Moreover, studies by the method of qualitative X-ray fluorescence analysis (EXDRF) and IR Fourier spectroscopy were fulfilled. It has been determined that the characteristic ratio of Iron, Vanadium, Chromium and Plumbum impurities is inherent for the so-called “Russian flux-grown synthetic emeralds”, which is rarely found on the Ukrainian jewelry market. |
Keywords: synthetic emerald, gemological studies, microscopy, X-ray fluorescence analysis, IR Fourier spectroscopy. |
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