Problematic issues of English-Ukrainian translation of gemological terms related to diamonds
V. Tatarintsev State Gemmological Centre of Ukraine |
Language: Ukrainian |
Precious and Decorative Stones. No.3-4 (117-118), 2024: 21–27 |
Abstract The article is devoted to the analysis of the difficulties of translating gemological terms related to diamonds from English to Ukrainian. Problems arise as a result of the widespread use of English professional slang, the presence of terms that are not in English-Ukrainian dictionaries, synonymous terms, homonyms, neologisms, ambiguous terms, inherited Russian-language terms, as well as "misleading" terms. The rationale is given that the latter are the reasons for errors in the use of some important terms by gemologists. It was concluded that the way to harmonize the national gemological terminology with the internationally recognized one lies in its systematization and correct understanding of English technical terms, as well as that there is a need to remove Russian terms inherited from the USSR from the legislative acts of Ukraine. |
Keywords: diamond, gemology, terminology, harmonization of terminology. |
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